The Hocking College Board of Trustees
Jeanette Addington
Jeanette Addington is a first-generation college student. 她就读于俄亥俄大学(Ohio University),获得会计和商业法律预科学士学位以及工商管理硕士学位. A certified public accountant, 在获得学位期间,艾丁顿在一家地区会计师事务所开始了她的职业生涯. 她成为该公司的第一位女性合伙人,并最终成为管理合伙人. 退休后,她于2017年加入Ludowici Roof Tile担任首席财务官, she focuses on keeping the company community-minded.
艾丁顿曾在大学和学校董事会以及促进教育的组织任职, humane animal concerns and economic development.
Gerry Bird
格里·伯德出生在加州长滩,在俄亥俄州中部长大. Bird于1971年毕业于迈阿密大学,获得建筑学学士学位, 1973年获得俄亥俄州立大学建筑学硕士学位,1983年获得首都大学工商管理硕士学位.
Gerry自1974年以来一直是一名注册建筑师,并在七个州获得了执照. 他是一家公司的合伙人,该公司设计了霍金技术学院最初的建筑. Gerry在一家酒店开发公司担任了7年的开发总监, with numerous projects throughout the eastern half of the country. In 1993, Bird Houk Collaborative was founded and provided architectural, planning and landscape architecture services. Design work included more than 30 hotels, more than five million square feet of office space, mixed-use facilities, residential, schools and university projects. 规划项目包括几个高尔夫球场社区,大型混合用途和住宅. Bird Houk Collaborative merged with OHM Advisors in 2010.
Since the merger, Gerry has continued to provide consulting services as a designer, owner’s representative and developing selected projects. An Eagle Scout, Gerry has always had a love for the outdoors, and continues to travel, hike and enjoy the beauty of Ohio, the Florida Everglades and the western United States with his wife, Janice. Time with children and grandchildren is always cherished.
Gerry has served on numerous boards, advisory committees, 他是美国建筑师协会哥伦布分会的前任主席,很高兴也很荣幸能成为十大网赌网站大全的理事.
Stuart Brooks
Stuart Brooks was born on May 5, 1951, in Lancaster, Ohio. 1970年,他从尼尔森维尔-约克高中毕业,并先后就读于俄亥俄大学和十大网赌网站大全. 1965年5月,他开始在威廉·布鲁克斯鞋厂工作,后来成为洛基靴子. 然后,他和祖父一起在尼尔森维尔的零售行业工作了17年. 然后,他去了洛基靴子和尼尔森维尔的第一国家银行工作. 布鲁克斯与丹尼斯·卡特-布鲁克斯(Denise Carter-Brooks)结婚,并与前妻育有两个孩子. 他在尼尔森维尔的俄亥俄健康公司(OhioHealth)担任董事已有六年,在第一国民银行(First National Bank)担任董事已有23年. Brooks has six grandchildren.
Mike Budzik
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Michael J. Budzik has had an extensive career in natural resources. From 1987-95, 他是俄亥俄州自然资源部的第四区经理, Division of Wildlife based in Athens, Ohio. From 1995-2003, Budzik was the Division of Wildlife chief. After leaving ODNR, he became the U.S. 2005年至2006年担任Sportsmen’s Alliance的招聘和保留总监. 目前,他担任俄亥俄州运动员俱乐部和保护组织的联络员. 他还在州长办公室兼职,是俄亥俄州自然资源政策部门的一员.
Budzik has received several honors, 包括俄亥俄州参议院和众议院的特别表彰, 俄亥俄州森林和水资源保护协会颁发的年度风云人物奖, 俄亥俄州运动员联盟颁发的年度环保主义者奖和十大网赌网站大全杰出校友奖.
Leon Forte
里昂·福特牧师是俄亥俄州阿森斯格雷斯基督教中心的创始人和主任牧师. 他是一位非常受欢迎和充满活力的演讲者,他曾广泛地传播耶稣基督的福音. He and his wife Linda live in southeastern Ohio near Athens.
福特在俄亥俄州的哥伦布市长大,1990年,他在雅典建立了一座教堂. 格雷斯基督教中心目前位于约翰逊路的住宅建于2003年, and also houses the Francine C. Childs Early Learning Center.
Forté attended Word of Life Bible College (World Harvest), 在胜利基督教中心祝圣,并在杰克逊维尔神学院获得神学硕士学位.
Jessica Hoag
Jessica Hoag was born in Detroit, MI and grew up in Nelsonville OH. As graduate of Nelsonville-York, 她在高中毕业后立即开始了她的职业生涯,成为一名直接支持专业人员, assisting individuals with Developmental Disabilities in their home. 作为一个单身母亲,杰西卡没有像传统学生那样上大学. 2009年,杰西卡获得了十大网赌网站大全办公室管理专业的副学士学位. 这个学位帮助杰西卡提升了她的职业生涯,成为了她雇主的办公室经理, The Sech-Kar Company.
In 2017, Jessica and her husband, William, started their own organization, Fairfield Community Supports. 2018年,杰西卡获得了俄亥俄基督教大学的商学学士学位. In 2022, Jessica became a licensed real estate agent in Ohio.
Jessica serves on the Hocking College Foundation Board, a member of the Logan Rotary Club, a member of The Court Ladies Oriental Shrine, and a member of the Columbus Board of Realtors, and is excited to be a Trustee for Hocking College.
Alan McMillan
Alan J. McMillan, is the founder of LearnEarnRetire, 这是一家面向拥有重要生活和职业技能的大学生的公司. He publishes Transitions: From Your Learning Years, to Your Earning Years, to Financial and Life Freedom at a Relatively Early Age该课程以各种形式在美国各地的校园和社交媒体上授课.
After his career in tech he served as the VP of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Development at Hocking College.
Ben Mitchell
Chairman of the Board of Trustee
Ben Mitchell是Dura Coat Products, Inc .的全球挤出涂料销售经理. (an Axalta Coatings Systems Company). 他获得了厄巴纳大学的综合科学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位. 他还曾就读于路易斯维尔大学和南密西西比大学.
Mitchell曾在许多行业委员会任职,并撰写或合作撰写书籍和文章. Aside from the Hocking College Board of Trustees, 米切尔也是学院基金会的受托人,并于2010年至2014年担任厄巴纳大学的受托人.